Chorizo con salsa de queso y tortillas. / Mexican sausage with cheese sauce and tortillas.
Tiernas rebanadas de carne a la plancha o pollo con pimientos, cebollas y tomates. Servido con guacamole, crema, arroz, frijoles y dos tortillas. / Tender sliced grilled beef or chicken with bell peppers, onions and tomatoes. Served with guacamole, sour cream, rice, beans and two tortillas
Dos tortillas de harina, suaves o fritas, rellenas de carne molida, pollo o puerco, frijoles lechuga, tomate, crema, salsa de queso de nacho y guacamole. / Two flour tortillas, soft or fried, filled with ground beef, chicken or pork, beans lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, nacho cheese sauce and guacamole.